Hello Pillar Family!
I hope you are experiencing the joy of walking in the light.
How to Pray
1. Pray for the Trace Martinez and Pillar Oceanside’s boldness in “saturating the local neighborhoods with the gospel.”
2. Pray over Pillar Sports & Arts Camp to be used as a tool in reach Dumfries with the gospel. Ask that God would bless Pillar Sports & Arts camp to see people in our community saved.
3. Come join us 9:30am Sunday morning to pray for our service, our leaders, our congregation. Meet us in room 1108 !
How to Serve
1. Pillar Sports & Arts Camp is scheduled to serve our local community the week of July 31st – August 6 from 6-8:30pm. Whether you love sports or just want to help, there is a part for you to play in supporting this effort! If you are available to serve, sign up to be a volunteer using THIS FORM.
How to Prepare
1. Colby will continue our Greatest Hits sermon series in Philippians 4:13 this Sunday. I encourage you to read the full chapter this week!
What to Know
1. Signup your kids for Sports & Arts Camp now using THIS LINK. Your kids participation will create natural connections with families from the community!
2. Thrive Women’s Ministry Summer Bible studies are under way! If you want to learn practical techniques for studying the word of God, contact Kate Steele for more details ([email protected]).
3. Download the Church Center App to stay up to date on the church calendar, give online, and view ministry updates.
“O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.”
-Isaiah 2:5
Chapman Peugh