Local Outreach


Pillar Church is dedicated to assisting and reaching out to those in our community. As Christians we are compelled by Christ to assist those less fortunate than us (Matthew 25: 34-46).  One way in which Pillar assists those in need around us is through volunteering at the local ACTS Shelter in Dumfries. Meals are provided on the first Saturday of each month.  This is a wonderful time to both assist others who are less fortunate, as well as share the good news as to what Christ has done in your life. Along with the meals served each month, Pillar is dedicated to assisting during special occasions, or as special needs arise at the shelter. Those interested in participating in this ministry should contact Kerri Pagel at (703) 441-1996.


In the book of Acts we are given a model of how we as believers should commune and assist one another. We are shown in scripture time and again that God blesses the church that loves and cares for one another. Those of us in need should feel comforted knowing that a body of fellow believers stands ready to assist in any way possible. For those who find themselves in need, or for those of us who know of others in need, please feel free to contact the church at [email protected], or any of the other church leaders using the contact information on the Leaders page.